Stress Discrimination

Descripciones y opinions

Read aloud statements in Spanish about a famous man and a famous woman. Have students indicate who the sentence describes based on the adjective form, then check if they agree with the statement or not. [E.g. “Es bonita.” Frida Diego] Variation: tú/usted [E.g. “¿Cómo está?” Me dirijo a: La profesora Mi hermanita]

Sample Activity

Discrimination BINGO

Students receive a BINGO game with either words or sentences that focus on discrimination. In Spanish, for example, students must listen carefully to determine present tense (e.g. hablo-I speak) or preterite tense (e.g. habló-he/she spoke). The teacher reads one of the words/phrases and students mark off their BINGO board. The BINGO winner then must read their pattern for the win. Matamoscas—grid of vocabulary, turn back, then turn around and hit.


Variation: The same board could be used to play Matamoscas (Flycatcher), a popular game to play with the whole class on the overhead, Microsoft Power Point, smart board or in small groups. First, the class is divided into two teams. One representative from each team comes to the screen or board, receives a flyswatter, and turns their back. Projected onto the board or screen is a table with different answers, pictures, or phrases. Definitions, synonyms, or examples are read and the students turn around quickly and try to swat the word. The first person who selects the correct answer gets a point. If neither leader knows the answer, then the team can help by saying left, right, down. The flyswatters are then handed to the next student on each team. This game is also beneficial when played as a mini-game. Matamoscas boards are given to small groups of students instead of one large board/screen for the class. The teacher can lead the game and eventually let students play teacher for their small groups. It is also interesting to vary the levels of the game. For example, begin with definitions, move to examples, and then end with synonyms.

Sample Activity

How to Examine a Zombie

By working with an authentic audio or video clips we can help students gradually determine meaning by focusing on the details, which will require discrimination. Begin with relatively easy exercises. For example, provide a list of keywords, many of which are not in the clip, and ask students to identify those they heard. Then play a short clip and on an accompanying worksheet with multiple choice answers ask students to circle which word they did not hear. Next, ask students to explain why that word is illogical or grammatically incorrect for the context. Finally, do a “dictée” (dictation) on a short segment in which students write exactly what they hear. Discuss answers together. The instructor can provide examples of homonyms and lead a discussion why they don’t work with the context of the clip.

Sample Activity

Next Section: Target Transfer